Downvote Storm Meme Maker 
Welcome! This is a simple tool to add text on top of the "single upvote in a storm of downvotes" gif. Simply choose your text, reposition and resize it by clicking and dragging (if needed) and then click the button to download your video - no watermarks! You can also change the text color and select a font using the menu that pops up when you click the text.
The original source of this video comes from a meteorologist manually checking the wind-speed of Hurricane Irma in Florida, USA. The upvote/downvote overlays were added by Reddit user j0be, so all credit for this video goes to them.
The original video by j0be didn't have any text, but other reddit users on meme subreddits soon began labelling it to represent a situation where a single person is fighting against the majority. Here's an example from /r/MemeEconomy, for example.